A picture of me and my friends.

About Me

The countryside in Stanwick, Northamptonshire
The countryside in Stanwick, Northamptonshire.

Since you clicked here, I guess you're interested in learning more about me. My name is Thomas, I'm 19 years old and I am currently a second-year Media, Journalism and Publishing student at Oxford Brookes University. Since a very young age I have been captivated by the world of design and its many intricacies. Having grown up in the countryside (pictured above) despite its beauty, I often preferred to stay indoors, discovering I was more introverted than extroverted, making me spend more time on the computer.

My Interests

My first introduction to design was through my father, who introduced me to Adobe Photoshop CS6. Like anyone would be, I was clueless at the start, having no idea how to navigate such a complex application. Then my Dad bought me a book that changed everything, slowly guiding me through the basics of photoshop and eventually working my way up to the more advanced features within the application.

Eventually, I managed to get a solid grasp of Photoshop and became rather fascinated with typographical design. The ability to install the fonts used within my favourite franchises was an eye-opener to me and allowed me to create designs that could resemble those of the logos I saw in movies and video games. Eventually, I began to look at the world around me a lot more, becoming intrigued as to which fonts were being used by different companies. When I couldn't figure out the font, I used a website known as dafont.com, a forum that allowed you to post pictures of text where users would try to identify the font for you. Eventually, my interest in typographical design became a regular hobby of mine, waxing and waning over time depending on how busy life was and how much time I had.

For now, design is still a simple hobby of mine and I still have a long way to go. As of late, I have enjoyed redesigning album covers in my free time for certain artists whom I admire, as well as creating covers for my Spotify playlists. Whilst I have become more extroverted over time, my interest in design, and specifically, typography still remains.

These are some places I often use to retrieve fonts.

  1. Dafont
  2. Google Fonts
  3. FontSpace

My Favourite Albums

Lily Allen's second album, It's Not Me It's You.

In order to gain a good perspective I am, aside from my interest in typography, my love of music is extremely important to me. My first memorable experience of music was probably when my Mum first let me use her iPod. To me, this was a magical moment, there was a huge library of songs to explore, all on a tiny handheld device. This was the start of my obsession with music, and also, one artist in particular; Lily Allen. I remember listening to the entirety of her album, "It's Not Me It's You" on the train to London, which was a rare occasion. Soon an association with Lily and London was made and it still lasts to this day. Whenever I listen to the album, I always am reminded of London and the trip I took with my family. Along with Lily Allen, many, primarily female artists became incredibly influential to me during my teenage years. Marina and The Diamonds was one of them, her album Electra Heart became incredibly relatable during the ups and downs of adolescence. Another album that was one of my favourites during this time was, Halsey's debut, Badlands. Towards the end of my time at sixth form, my main album on repeat was "After Laughter" by "Paramore", an amazing album that covers up incredibly dark themes with a light-poppy sound. As of recent, the late singer Aaliyah's, final and eponymous album has been one of my favourites, it is a true piece of Futuristic R&B that is, remarkably ahead of its time.

P.S. If you want to know more about my music taste, listen to my current favourites at the top of the page.

These are my Top 5 Albums of All Time:

  1. It's Not Me It's You - Lily Allen
  2. After Laughter - Paramore
  3. Aaliyah by Aaliyah
  4. Electra Heart - Marina
  5. Manic by Halsey

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